

Jul 29, 2023

Beauty, function and climate challenges!

Interior Design certainly is not the only industry significantly impacted by the awesome challenges of Climate Change! Virtually without exception, our overall commercial community has had to meet new and sobering issues head-on — issues involving heating, cooling, transportation, supply and demand, sourcing and a continuing long list. Interior design and its related industries are no exception.

Both beauty and function have been challenged to come together with workable compromises, satisfying solutions and successful installations! At first consideration, that may seem like a no brainer. Why would Climate issues that are perceived to only affect our Exterior environments affect Interior design? It’s an understandable assumption and a reasonable question.

The simple answer is that there is now less separation between the two. Increasingly harsh weather we now experience has driven us inside for more of our 24-hour daily cycles, and has created closer connections to indoor and outdoor dynamics. Driven inside for more of our time, our Interiors have experienced increased functional demands. Function and beauty are partners in those new challenges.

Some functionality is exciting and easy to pair with beauty! Considerations may only be impacted by the need to choose for more durability since heavier use now demands adjustments.

With more intense Interior use expected, Interior design considerations for commercial Interiors facing these harsh Climate issues are no less daunting than those for Residential Interiors.

Both must meet the increases of indoor activity, the increased punishment of traffic patterns, floor treatments, furnishings’ wear and tear and other factors that are now subjected to such excess use because of the developing Climate circumstances. With interior activity so impacted, the additional factor considerations your Interior design team now encounters are many!

In Residential Interior design considerations, one important factor is whether or not the residence houses a family group, adults only or single living. It is easy to see that families with children become greatly challenged by a lot more time with those children indoors! Adults only in residence, is a bit less for needed change. And, a single person in residence is perhaps the Interior environment least affected with Interior design modifications needed relative to serious Climate issues.

Commercial Interiors that usually are not greatly concerned with Interior customer traffic have discovered that severe weather, in the course of regular business hours, is driving folks inside! And, businesses that ordinarily do have heavy inside traffic, are seeing it increase! How do those trends affect Interior design? Well the first consideration that comes to mind, is that of a hospitable reception area — a place to sit, to warm up, or cool down. Where such reception may not have been needed in the past, it might be a wise consideration in this era of people being driven inside!

In either Residential or Commercial Interiors, preparing economically for much higher Interior use of your home or business environment, is due some serious consideration.

In keeping with looming and escalating Climate related changes, manufacturers in all venues are deeply involved with meeting new and harsh durability, preventive, aesthetic and functional circumstances. I like the analogy of those old-fashion, black, tall and cumbersome rubber boots that we can all remember our Mom’s insisting we wear in bad weather! It took many years, but the manufacturers finally were able to mix function and beauty! Durable, functional tall boots can now be had in countless colors, patterns and styles! (Mom would be amazed!)

Interior Design and our related industries have a similar, albeit larger, task as we accept the realities of Climate change. We must and will address Climate related function and durability while preserving the beauty of our Interior installations.

Robert Boccabella, B.F.A. is principal and founder of Business Design Services and a certified interior designer in private practice for over 30 years. Boccabella provides Designing to Fit the Vision© in collaboration with [email protected]. To contact him call 707-263-7073; email him at [email protected] or visit or on Face Book at Business Design Services.

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