

Jul 17, 2023

AR/FR clothing can cool, protect from summer heat

Glenn Frey sang, "You can make a break, you can win or lose, that’s a chance you take, when the heat’s on you," in his song, "The Heat is On." Glenn was on to something — you can win or lose when the heat is on.

For example, when working year-round in an occasionally heat-intensive industry, unsuitable clothing may not protect workers from the elements. Workers may feel the heat. If improper work clothing is worn during the swell of summer or warmer temps, workers will not only physically feel the effects, but the environment around them may also become unbearable. Prolonged exposure can put workers’ health at risk, which is why the best way to beat the heat in the summer is to dress appropriately in lightweight arc-rated and flame resistant (AR/FR) garments. layer task-based protective clothing to single-layer breathable daily wear will keep workers cooler on the job and significantly lower the risk of heat stress.

Tyndale’s Carhartt line of AR/FR clothing provides unmatched lightweight protection to industry workers who must endure the warm weather on a daily basis. A couple of lightweight garment options recommended by Tyndale’s team of experts include:

Tyndale is an industry-leading, regulation-compliant, trusted protective clothing supplier of Carhartt FR clothing for men and women in O&G, petrochemical and other sectors. Tyndale has made the "Power of Choice" the cornerstone of the managed AR/FR purchase programs it administers. Tyndale programs allow employers to give workers access to the full line of Carhartt FR, as well as allowing workers to choose the AR/FR that suits their own unique preferences from a catalog of company-approved items.

Contact Tyndale today for customized, managed apparel that can give peace of mind in selecting safe, compliant clothing to suit employees in the workplace.

For more information, visit or call (215) 766-5660.

For more information, visit or call (215) 766-5660.